Today, students will get to delight in a candy bar in honor of National Hard Candy Day.
about 1 year ago, ACSD Communications
To celebrate our students progress in their iReady scores, tomorrow we will be celebrating with a party and gaming!
about 1 year ago, ACSD Communications
In observance of International Migrants Day, our social studies teachers will have videos and activities to educate our students about migration.
about 1 year ago, ACSD Communications
Dear Tiger Family, the link to our Tiger Gazette is We hope that you and your loved ones had a pleasant weekend. Enjoy!
about 1 year ago, AFMS Communications
Students who need to make up their iReady assessments will do so between December 18th and 20th.
about 1 year ago, ACSD Communications
Students can indulge in a chocolate bar as part of National Chocolate Covered Anything Day.
about 1 year ago, ACSD Communications
Dear Parents and Guardians, Tomorrow's ajama day. Students can wear lime green for Mental Health Awareness.
about 1 year ago, AFMS Communications
Today was Grinch day at the middle and high schools, so the Grinch stopped by. While here, he stole some books, visited a class, and snuck up on Mrs. Jacobs!
about 1 year ago, ACSD Communications
the grinch
the grinch stealing books
the grinch stealing books
the grinch outside a classroom
the grinch talking to students
the grinch sneaking up on mrs jacobs
the grinch
Dear Parents, Today, we will NOT have after-school programs or activities at the middle. All middle school student will depart school at 3:15. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused.
about 1 year ago, AFMS Communications
Parents and guardians, please be reminded that tomorrow we will be having our virtual Volunteer Orientation at 5:30 PM via Zoom.
about 1 year ago, ACSD Communications
VOLUNTEER ORIENTATION ALLENDALE COUNTY SCHOOLS HELP OUR SCHOOLS BY BECOMING A VOLUNTEER! Two Dates: December 13th @ 5:30 pm via Zoom Meeting ID: 814 1548 4695 Passcode: 653092 Scan the QR Code to Register January 10th @ 9:00 am Face-to-Face AFHS - Multipurpose Room Volunteer Orientation Registration 2023-24 For more information: Contact: Audrey Patterson 803-584-4603
Dear Tiger Family, the link to our Tiger Gazette is We hope that you and your loved ones had a pleasant weekend. Enjoy!
about 1 year ago, AFMS Communications
From December 12th-13th students will be taking their ELA iReady exams.
about 1 year ago, ACSD Communications
To celebrate National Christmas Card Day, students will create cards for their loved ones.
about 1 year ago, ACSD Communications
In honor of National Brownie Day, we will be having a brownie and ice cream bar for staff and students to enjoy!
about 1 year ago, ACSD Communications
There will be a cotton candy bar in recognition of National Cotton Candy Day!
about 1 year ago, ACSD Communications
Parents and guardians interested in becoming a volunteer, please attend one of our orientations on either December 13th (virtual) or January 10th (in person).
about 1 year ago, ACSD Communications
VOLUNTEER ORIENTATION ALLENDALE COUNTY SCHOOLS HELP OUR SCHOOLS BY BECOMING A VOLUNTEER! Two Dates: December 13th @ 5:30 pm via Zoom Meeting ID: 814 1548 4695 Passcode: 653092 Scan the QR Code to Register January 10th @ 9:00 am Face-to-Face AFHS - Multipurpose Room Volunteer Orientation Registration 2023-24 For more information: Contact: Audrey Patterson 803-584-4603
Dear Tiger Family, the link to our Tiger Gazette is We hope that you and your loved ones had a pleasant weekend. Enjoy!
about 1 year ago, AFMS Communications
Our December Countdown to Christmas Calendar.
about 1 year ago, AFMS Communications
Take a look at our breakfast/lunch menu for the month of December.
about 1 year ago, ACSD Communications
Monday THIS INSTITUTION IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY PROVIDER" Grades 6-12 Nachos are offered at the Manager's Discretion each week 4 Breakfast Cereal, Fresh Apple, Milk Lunch Spaghettiw/Meat Sauce, Corn, TossedSalad Breadsticks, Peaches, Applesauce 11 B r e a k t a s t Assorted Muffins string cheese, Juice Lunch Beet Vegetable Soup, c o r n b r e a d , Apple sauce, Mixed Fruit 18 Breakfast Cereal, Applesauce, Milk Lunch Hot or BBQ wings, Frie s, Ww Roll, Celery Sticks, Mixed Fruit, Fruit Juice Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1. BreaktastAssorted CerealBar, Fresh Apple, Mik Lunch Cheeseburger/w Lettuce, Tomatoes, baked Chips, Pears, Peaches Breakfast &Lunchisfree Salads K-12 to all Students. Mon-Ham AdultBreaktast53.25 Tues.-Chicken salad AdultLunch $5.00 Weds.- Tuna Salad Served Daily Cereal, Fruit Juice, whole Grain Toast, and a variety of coldMilk 5Breakfast Muffins, Mixed Fruit, Milk Lunch Grits, Eggs, SausagePatties, Biscuits, Apple Slices, Fruit Juice 12 BreakfastHoney Bun, Fruit, Milk Lunch corn Dog, Chips, Baked Beans, Steamed Carrots, Pineapple, Fruit Cup 19 Breakfast Pop tart, fruit, Milk Lunch Loaded Nacho chips w/salsa,Lettuce, Tomato, Shredded cheese, corn ontheCos, Fresh Apple Slices Thurs.- Grilled Chicken Fri- Turkey 6 BreakfastApple B r e a k t a s t cereal 8 Breakfast Pop tart, Strudel, Fresh Orange, bars, cheese stick, Yogurt, FruitJuice Milk F r u i t Juic e Lunch Pepper oni Lunch Hot bogs, Lu nc h Popcorn Pizza, Tossed Salad, Baked Chips, Baked Chicken, Mashed SteamedSquash, Beans, Pineapples, Potatoes, Greens Mixed Fruit,Orange Orange slices Beans, w W Roll, Slices 25 26 27 28 29 WinterBreak ENJOY YOUR WINTER BREAK!! 13 Breakfast French Fruit cup, Fresh Fruit 14 Breakfast Cereal 1 5BreakfastCereal, Sticks, Apple sauce, bar, string cheese , Milk Milk Lunch Sausage Pizza, Lunch Turkey, Rice TossedSalad, G o l d e n w/Gravy, WW Rolls, Petite Banana, Milk Lunch Bologna Cheese Sandwich, Baked Chips, Choc. Chip Cookie, Baby Carrots, F r e s h Fruit, Fruit Juice 26 Whole Kernel Corn, Mixed Fruit, Orange Slices Collard Greens, Yams, Orange Slices, Red Grapes 2 0 Breakfast Muffins, 21 String Cheese, Milk Lunch Ham &Cheese sandwich, Chips, Lettuce, Tomatoes, Yogurt, Fresh Fruit WINTER BREAK BEGINS!! DECEMBER BREAKFAST/LUNCH MENU Allendale County School District
Tomorrow, our 7th Graders will compete in a Spelling Bee!
about 1 year ago, ACSD Communications